Saturday, December 29, 2007

Inkheart Fanfic

After hearing that the Inkheart movie would be coming out soon I started rereading Inkheart and its sequel, Inkspell. And I ended up writing a fanfic for them.
This is actually the first thing I've written for in a while. It's not great or anything, and it's kind of short, but at least it's got my creative writing skills started again.
I've been so swamped with writing stuff for school (Mrs. Mancini, can you please give us less essay assignments?), and it's good to write something for fun again.

Here's my fanfic page where you can find a link to the story:


I finally got a digital camera! It was a late Christmas present from my family and I absolutely love it. It's a red Casio Exilim, and I must say it's pretty fancy. It has 8.1 mega pixels and a youtube capture mode that films video in a youtube file size.

Here's some pictures of the camera. These pictures will also hopefully be the last I take with my crappy camera cell phone.

<---Ooooh Shiny!!

I also want to thank all the commenters on this blog. All of your comments and the thought that someone is actually reading this blog make me warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

Pics From the Inkheart Movie

I've just found out that Inkheart, a novel from Cornelia Funke, has been made into a movie! They've finished filming it, and the release date for it will be March 19, 2008.

Brendan Fraser is going to be playing Mo (Silvertongue). I loved him in the Mummy. :D

Here's some pictures from the movie:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Who's Playing Edward?

Robert Pattinson will be playing the part of Edward Cullen in the highly anticipated movie version of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.

Pattinson was the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He's British, but can speak perfectly with an American accent, and he has apparently read all the books in the Twilight series.

He wasn't how I pictured Edward in the book, but, after looking after thinking about it, I think he could probably play Edward. He at least looks good enough.

"Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production, stated, “It's always a challenge to find the right actor for a part that has lived so vividly in the imaginations of readers but we took the responsibility seriously and are confident, with Rob Pattinson, that we have found the perfect Edward for our Bella in TWILIGHT."

The actress Kristen Stewart will be playing Bella.

Check out Stephenie's site for the full article and how she feels about the actor Summit chose:

Production for the movie is going to start in February of 2008.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is this the new Maximum Ride book?

I found this on amazon. Is this really the cover for the fourth Maximum Ride novel? It's pretty weird looking, not like any of the other covers. Oh well, I just hope the story's good.
Anyway, Maximum Ride: The Final Warning is supposed to be coming out March 17, 2008.

Isn't that cute? The guy in the pic is from Hellogoodbye.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

My First Scanned Picture

My scanner finally works! This is a picture of Jacob as a wolf from the Twilight series.

Click on the picture to enlarge it. It looks a lot better that way.

So what do you guys think?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Picture of the Cast

Here's a picture of most of the cast for the play, the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, that I was in this weekend. A lot of the people have already changed out of costume.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Sweeny Todd

Johnny Depp's new movie with director Tim Burton is: Sweeny Todd and the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. It's an adaptaion of the musical, and it looks like its going to be pretty interesting. What more could you want from a movie? It's got murder, musical numbers, and Johnny Depp!

The play actually went kind of well this weekend!

First, Friday: Ok, Friday's performance was either really bad or hilariously good, it depends on how you look at it. At the show we ended up improvising A LOT of it and we made it funny. Ok, half the time people were laughing at our mistakes, but what's the difference? The audiance couldn't stop laughing, and I think most of the people enjoyed it.

Saturday: Saturday's performance was almost perfect! We were totally serious and everyone had their lines basically memorized. It was a good show.

If I have time I might be able to post pictures from Saturday night's show.