Saturday, December 29, 2007

Inkheart Fanfic

After hearing that the Inkheart movie would be coming out soon I started rereading Inkheart and its sequel, Inkspell. And I ended up writing a fanfic for them.
This is actually the first thing I've written for in a while. It's not great or anything, and it's kind of short, but at least it's got my creative writing skills started again.
I've been so swamped with writing stuff for school (Mrs. Mancini, can you please give us less essay assignments?), and it's good to write something for fun again.

Here's my fanfic page where you can find a link to the story:


I finally got a digital camera! It was a late Christmas present from my family and I absolutely love it. It's a red Casio Exilim, and I must say it's pretty fancy. It has 8.1 mega pixels and a youtube capture mode that films video in a youtube file size.

Here's some pictures of the camera. These pictures will also hopefully be the last I take with my crappy camera cell phone.

<---Ooooh Shiny!!

I also want to thank all the commenters on this blog. All of your comments and the thought that someone is actually reading this blog make me warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Friday, December 21, 2007

Pics From the Inkheart Movie

I've just found out that Inkheart, a novel from Cornelia Funke, has been made into a movie! They've finished filming it, and the release date for it will be March 19, 2008.

Brendan Fraser is going to be playing Mo (Silvertongue). I loved him in the Mummy. :D

Here's some pictures from the movie:

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Who's Playing Edward?

Robert Pattinson will be playing the part of Edward Cullen in the highly anticipated movie version of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series.

Pattinson was the guy who played Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He's British, but can speak perfectly with an American accent, and he has apparently read all the books in the Twilight series.

He wasn't how I pictured Edward in the book, but, after looking after thinking about it, I think he could probably play Edward. He at least looks good enough.

"Erik Feig, Summit Entertainment’s President of Production, stated, “It's always a challenge to find the right actor for a part that has lived so vividly in the imaginations of readers but we took the responsibility seriously and are confident, with Rob Pattinson, that we have found the perfect Edward for our Bella in TWILIGHT."

The actress Kristen Stewart will be playing Bella.

Check out Stephenie's site for the full article and how she feels about the actor Summit chose:

Production for the movie is going to start in February of 2008.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is this the new Maximum Ride book?

I found this on amazon. Is this really the cover for the fourth Maximum Ride novel? It's pretty weird looking, not like any of the other covers. Oh well, I just hope the story's good.
Anyway, Maximum Ride: The Final Warning is supposed to be coming out March 17, 2008.

Isn't that cute? The guy in the pic is from Hellogoodbye.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

My First Scanned Picture

My scanner finally works! This is a picture of Jacob as a wolf from the Twilight series.

Click on the picture to enlarge it. It looks a lot better that way.

So what do you guys think?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A Picture of the Cast

Here's a picture of most of the cast for the play, the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, that I was in this weekend. A lot of the people have already changed out of costume.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Sweeny Todd

Johnny Depp's new movie with director Tim Burton is: Sweeny Todd and the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. It's an adaptaion of the musical, and it looks like its going to be pretty interesting. What more could you want from a movie? It's got murder, musical numbers, and Johnny Depp!

The play actually went kind of well this weekend!

First, Friday: Ok, Friday's performance was either really bad or hilariously good, it depends on how you look at it. At the show we ended up improvising A LOT of it and we made it funny. Ok, half the time people were laughing at our mistakes, but what's the difference? The audiance couldn't stop laughing, and I think most of the people enjoyed it.

Saturday: Saturday's performance was almost perfect! We were totally serious and everyone had their lines basically memorized. It was a good show.

If I have time I might be able to post pictures from Saturday night's show.

Friday, November 30, 2007

What's Your Love Quote?

This is mine: I got it off My friend Becca got me addicted to the site.

I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or had small pox.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


We're performing the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe this Friday and Saturday, and as some know, I'm playing Lucy.
I'm really worried. Not about the going on stage and acting part. It's the fact that we're not ready! A lot of our practices have been cancelled, and we haven't even had a dress rehearsal yet! There's just three practices this week. I hope we'll be able to pull it all together, or at least not make complete fools of ourselves.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Host

Besides, The Twilight saga, author Stephenie Meyer has been working on a science fiction novel called The Host. It's still a while before it comes out (May 6, 2008). The thing that really draws me in for this book is the cover. It looks so cool! :)

This summary is off of Stephenie's website:

The basic premise: The Host takes place after a bodysnatchers-style invasion of the earth. We (the humans) lost. Our narrator is Wanderer, one of the invading "souls," who struggles to navigate all the bewildering challenges that come with living inside a human body. She was forewarned about these challenges—the overwhelming emotions, the stunning physical responses, the glut of senses, the too vivid dreams and memories… However, there was one challenge Wanderer didn't expect: the former tenant of her body, human survivor Melanie Stryder, refuses to fade away into oblivion the way she should. Melanie lingers as an angry presence in Wanderer's head, holding on to her human secrets and filling Wanderer's thoughts with visions of the man Melanie loves—Jared, another human who still lives in hiding. Unable to separate herself from her body's desires, Wanderer yearns for the man she's never met. Outside forces combine to make Wanderer and Melanie unwilling allies, and, working together, they set off to search for the man they both love. It's possibly the first love triangle that only involves two bodies.

It sounds a little confusing but definitly very interesting. Even though it's not Breaking Dawn I'm really looking foward to reading this new novel from Stephenie Meyer.


First snowday of the winter was this Monday for me. We got over a foot, and its only November.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New Book By Cassandra Clare

City of Ashes is going to be coming out in March 2008. It's by Cassandra Clare. This is the sequel to her first novel City of Bones, and the 2nd book in the Mortal Instruments trilogy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

SNL Digital Skit

I saw this on Saturday Night Live the other night, and I couldn't stop laughing. It's simple and kinda stupid, but oh so funny.

Here's a link to youtube:

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Monday, October 29, 2007

Patrick McDonnell’s Mutts comic did a week long Twilight-inspired Halloween strip about a bat named Edward and a bird named Bella. Its adorable! Here's one of the comic strips:

To see the rest of them you can go to starting November 5th.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Les Miserables!

WOOOT! Over a 100 posts. :) This is the 102 to be exact.

Anyway, I have started reading Les Miserables by Victor Hugo for school. And I love it. I'm surprised a book published in the 1860's can still be so good. In fact, I think this is the first book that I have been forced to read for school (not counting the Book Thief) that I have really liked since the third grade.*

I really really want to go see Les Mis on Broadway, but since I have absolutely no money right now that's going to have to wait a while. Right now I settle for renting the DVD.

* The book I liked in the third grade was the Mouse and the Motorcycle.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Ughh...I'm so sick right now. It feels like I'm trying to cough my lungs out and I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have taken so many cough drops...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Another Reason Why Google Rocks...

No, not because they're one of the best search engines on the web, but because I found both my blog and my fanfiction page(which I still haven't updated) in the very first 10 results that came up while I was searching today.

Friday, October 05, 2007


So I joined drama club this year, because I decided I wanted to do something different this year. We're putting on the play The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, from the Chronicles of Narnia. And I actually got a main part! I'm going to play Lucy the younger sister (I think cause I'm so short, only 5'3,). I have no idea how I'm going to memorize all the lines! It should be kinda fun and definitely interesting to say the least. We're putting the play on sometime in December.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Extras by Scott Westerfeld is out today! This book is sort of like a follow up to his Uglies/Pretties/Specials trilogy. Same place different characters. Although he has said on his blog that there will be a small part with Tally in it.

Friday, September 28, 2007

I've been rereading Going Postal after finishing Making Money. And I came across probably one of my favorite quotes ever:

"Steal five dollars and you were a petty thief. Steal thousands of dollars and you were either a government or a hero."

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Last Saturday I saw some pretty amazing bands at the Hershey Stadium. Collective Soul, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, and Live.

All the bands were amazing, though I have to say that Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace were my favorites. I'm sorry about how crappy the pictures look but I had to take them with my cell phone.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Making Money

Terry Pratchett's got a new Discworld book on the shelves. It's called Making Money, and I believe it's the 36th. It's the sequel to another of his recent books Going Postal (which I loved immensely). Like all of Pratchett's books Making Money is very funny and without a doubt a good read. I don't think it's as good as some of his other books, but still definitely worth your time.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I have a good reason for not posting in a while. Nothing exciting happened. At all. Really.

I'm looking foward to seeing the movie Across the Universe. I think it comes out this Friday.

Its a musical. With Beatles songs.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Meh...School started this Tuesday. And yes, for any of those who care, I did finish my honors english project in time.

Info processing is boring. How did I even get in this class?? I don't think I even chose it as an elective. The teacher is nice though. And it's useful that I'm able to go on the internet during homeroom (thats how I'm posting this now).

My honors english class is waayy hard. But I'm dealing with it.

French is still the best class. I've got the same teacher and all my friends from last year's class.
J'adore francais.

Anyone else seen Apple's new ipod nano? I think they're calling it the phatty version. It can play videos and will have a longer battery life.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Procrastinators Unite...Tomorrow

I've just become obsessed with podcasting. I must've downloaded like 15 in the course of two minutes or something...

My main problem is that I have to finish all of my honors english summer reading projects. And I'm having difficulty doing that. Because I can't stop procrastinating. And the back to school date is getting dangerously close.

I don't know about anyone else, but whenever I'm forced to do massive amounts of work for a school book it totally ruins the novel for me. I mean, I read The Book Thief earlier this year and I loved it. Still loved it after rereading. But when I had to read it again for my projects I began to dislke it. I'm so worried about what the teacher wants to see in my notes and how I should answer these paragraph long questions that I can't just enjoy the fablous writing.

On a different topic: Finished Eclipse. Rocked my socks off royally and then some. I don't know if I can survive waiting another year for Braking Dawn(the 4th book) to come out.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer has finally been released today! This is the book that I and many of this #1 bestselling series have been waiting for since last August when New Moon came out. To be honest, I'm a little more excited for this book then when the final Harry Potter book came out.
I missed Stephenie Meyer on the today show this morning, (didn't wake up in time :( ) but I was able to watch an interview had with her:

Sunday, July 29, 2007

I just couldn't resist the cuteness...

I saw the long awaited Simpsons movie on Friday. I loved it. Funniest new movie I've seen in a long time.

Warped Tour Pics

My first time going to Warped Tour was great. I saw bands I liked and I discovered new bands too. Which I guess is the whole point of the tour. Oh, and to make money.

I was in the very front of the crowd for Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and I got some pretty good pictures of the band.

My favorite picture:

Some other pictures:

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Harry Potter and the Vans Warped Tour

I just finished the seventh Harry Potter book! I loved it, and I actually even cried a little about the people who died(no spoilers) and was saddened by the fact that the series is over. Although I think the ending was a bit cheesy. But, all in all, probably not the worst way to end the series.

I'm going to the Vans Warped Tour in Scranton this Thursday!!! I just got my ticket today.

Some of the bands I'm looking foward to seeing are: Bayside, Boys Like Girls, Coheed and Cambria, Cute Is What We AIm For, Newfound Glory, Paramore, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, The Almost, and the Starting Line.
Anyone else going?

Monday, July 16, 2007

The modem of my computer is broken. So that explains why I haven't posted in a while. Now I'm stuck sharing a laptop, and I had to move iTunes to. On the bright side my computer was a piece of crap and it took forever to do anything on it.

I still haven't seen the new Harry Potter movie. :(

Friday, July 06, 2007

Almost home...

I'm almost back from Florida. It was actually a pretty fun trip. Well, at least better than other previous year's trips.

Live Earth is tomorrow...wish I could go. Maybe I can watch some clips from it online.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Daytona Beach Pictures

Here's some pictures I took with my cell phone while staying at Daytona Beach.