Friday, October 05, 2007


So I joined drama club this year, because I decided I wanted to do something different this year. We're putting on the play The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, from the Chronicles of Narnia. And I actually got a main part! I'm going to play Lucy the younger sister (I think cause I'm so short, only 5'3,). I have no idea how I'm going to memorize all the lines! It should be kinda fun and definitely interesting to say the least. We're putting the play on sometime in December.


✭unknown✭ said...

Thats really cool! I hope I get to be in a play in high school or around like 7th or 8th grade. (Right now I am stuck and bored in stupid dumb 6th.) I think being short isn't really bad. It has it's advantages. I am only in 6th grade (obviously) and I am like 5'6 and three quarters. Everyone expects me to be great at sports and all. I am definetely not gifted in sports but I am pretty athletic. idk, sorry i must be getting super annoying

Alannah said...

Nah, not annoying. Thanks for the comment :D It's the first real one I've got in ages.

✭unknown✭ said...

Cool, glad I am not an annoyance. lol, i guess its good 2 no. This is a very random question, but have you ever seen the show Gossip Girl? What do you think of it?

Alannah said...

I've never seen it. Is it good?

✭unknown✭ said...

I quite enjoy watching Gossip Girl, it's almost a little too soap opera-ish 4 my liking but I think it's an interesting show. Still, I usually say to myself that I would rather watch a more innocent show but even so I can't wait a whole week 4 the next episode. It's on the CW, you might like it.